the worlds gone mad

we've lost the hope we had

Posted on 8 December 2023   6 min read

Life is Life

Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while you might miss it.......

The initial idea behind this blog was to have a medium to store and share notes on the different technologies I worked on in an searchable manner. I have decided to step back from work and take a year out so this new life tab of the blog will be for all things non-IT related. I still plan to write technology based blogs over this time (got a few automation projects and Azure tips to share), however this is unlikely to start happening until later into next year.

Posted on 26 November 2022   11 min read

Palo Packet Captures

packet captures and debugging

Information on running packet captures and debugging commands to follow traffic flows.

Posted on 8 November 2022   8 min read

Viewing palo statistics

system resources and traffic statistics

Useful commands to see general information on the firewall resources been used, interface and traffic statistics, and traffic counters.

Posted on 5 November 2022   16 min read

Palo traffic flows and sessions

application identification and following traffic flows

Information on how applications are identified by App-ID and following sessions and traffic flows through the firewall using the CLI.

Posted on 26 October 2022   12 min read

Palo commit and rollback

pushing policies and rolling back changes

Palo Alto firewalls use the concept of a running config to hold the devices live configuration and the candidate config is copy of the running config where changes are made. A Commit operation causes the running config to be overwritten by the candidate config activating the changes.

Posted on 12 October 2022   23 min read

Palo Basic Setup

palo alto firewall setup using the cli

A run through using the CLI to set up a Palo firewall at home covering the initial configuration, upgrading, BGP routing and a basic firewall policy.

Posted on 27 September 2022   16 min read

SD-WAN transport-side BGP

cisco sd-wan transport-side BGP and DIA NAT

The majority of Cisco SD-WAN guides and posts I have found use static routing rather than routing protocols on the transport-side. Static routes are all very well for SD-WAN tunnel traffic but I was wanting to understand how you equate for DIA traffic in a more real-life situation where address ranges are advertised via BGP.
