Useful commands for managing VMs and vSwitches from ESX console. If the command has been executed successfully there will be no output returned to screen (no output = success!!!).
If a command is not complete and you press enter it will return all the options available (equivalent of ? on Cisco).
esxcliSee all options esxcli network ipSee ip options
Interface and vSwitch commands
esxcli network ip interface listList vmkernel interfaces and their config esxcli network nic listDisplay listing of physical adapters and link state esxcli network ip interface ipv4 getSee list of VMK IPs esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup listList port groups esxcli network vswitch standard listList current vswitch config esxcli network vswitch dvs vmware listList Distributed Switch config esxcfg-vswitch -lCheck the uplinks and VM interfaces on a DvS
Add or remove network cards (vmnics) to or from a DvS:
esxcli network vswitch dvs vmware listList Distributed Switch config esxcfg-vswitch -Qvmnic -VdvPort_ID_of_vmnic dvSwitch Unlink/remove a DvS uplink esxcfg-vswitch -Pvmnic -Vunused_dvPort_ID dvSwitch Add a DvS uplink
Create vSwitch and add NIC and remove a Port-group
esxcli network vswitch standard listesxcli network vswitch standard add vswitch-name=vSwitch1 esxcli network vswitch standard uplink add uplink-name=vmnic32 vswitch-name=vSwitch
Create port-group and assign a VLAN
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup listesxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add -ppg_name -vvSwitch1 esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup set -ppg_name -v10
To remove port-groups. When I tried deleting the default VM Network port-group would get the error ‘Host did not have any virtual network defined’ when deploying an OVF. Not sure if can delete this or it needs to stay.
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup remove -ppg_name -vvSwitch0
Create vmkernal interface and give it IP details
esxcli network ip interface listesxcli network ip interface add interface-name=vmk1 portgroup-name=mgmt esxcli network ip interface ipv4 set interface-name=vmk1 ipv4= netmask= type=staticesxcli network ip interface set -e true -ivmk1 To enable the interface
Add a default route or static route
esxcli network ip route ipv4 listesxcli network ip route ipv4 add -ggateway -n defaultesxcli network ip route ipv4 add -ggateway -nnetwork/mask
Virtual Machines
Move Datastore and register the VMs. When discovering a DS it will show in the directory /vmfs/volumes], it can take 5 minutes to populate. For the VMs to appear in the GUI inventory they each need to be re-registered (.vmx file).
esxcli scsi adapter listCheck the iSCSI adapter name, usually vmhba3x esxcli iscsi adapter discovery rediscover -Avmhba34 Discover the DS vim-cmd vmsvc/register/vmfs/volumes/ds2/vm_name/vm_name.vmx To re-register a VM, reference the VMs .vmx file vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvmsList all registered VMs vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister/vmfs/volumes/ds2/vm_name/vm_name.vmx To un-register a VM
Powering on, off or restarting VMs. First need to get the VMID and then that is referenced in the vim-cmd.
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvmsList all VMIDs vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grepvm name Get a specific VMs VMID esxcli vm process listList all powered on VMs vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstatevm_name Check the power state of the VM vim-cmd vmsvc/power.onvmid Power on a vm vim-cmd vmsvc/reloadVmid Restart a vm
THis can also be done using esxcli, but rather than using the VMID need the ‘World ID’. soft is the most graceful, hard performs an immediate shutdown and force should only be used as a last resort.
esxcli vm process list | grep -C5vm_name Find the World ID of the VM esxcli vm process kill -t softor hardor force -wWorldNumber Power on or off the VM
Change HW version. Need to unregister it, change the version in the .vmx file and re-register it.
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvmsList all registered VMs vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister/vmfs/volumes/ds2/vm_name/vm_name.vmx unregister vmvi/vmfs/volumes/ds2/vm_name/vm_name.vmx Edit the 'virtualHW.version' dictionary vim-cmd solo/registervm/vmfs/volumes/ds2/vm_name/vm_name.vmx
Some other useful vim-cmd commands for editing VMs.
Globally enable or disable the ESX firewall
esxcli network firewall set -e falseesxcli network firewall set -e true
Hardrive/ Storage
esxcli storage filesystem listList all mounted volumes, can unmount/ mount here ls -lha /vmfs/devices/disks/See all hdds & partitions esxcli storage nmp device listList all hdds